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Exotic Caulerpa Response Update

Controlled Areas to be extended

The two exotic caulerpa Controlled Areas (at Aotea/Ahuahu and Te Rāwhiti Inlet) are set to be extended from their current expiry date of 30 June to allow further planning and consultation with all affected parties before the longer-term future of any control measures is decided.

The end date is being considered and the extension will be for no later than the end of September. Confirmation of the extension will be posted on the caulerpa webpage and advised through this newsletter.

Small patch of exotic caulerpa found at Omaha Cove/Leigh Harbour

On Friday 7 June, divers carrying out routine high-risk site surveillance for Auckland Council found a single, small (approximately one metre across) patch of suspected exotic caulerpa in shallow water in Omaha Cove near Leigh.

This has since been confirmed as exotic caulerpa by NIWA’s taxonomic experts.

Auckland Council, Ngāti Manuhiri and University of Auckland divers have taken swift action and have had the small area treated with chlorine and covered with tarpaulins. This is a method that has proved useful for removing small areas of exotic caulerpa.

Divers will check surrounding areas for any signs of the unwanted seaweed.

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